Town Court

Town Justice

Hon. Nathan I. Kanarek
PO Box M
Hobart, NY  13788
Phone: (607) 538-1825
Fax: (607) 538-1825


Court Clerk

Currently Open Position - Call the Justice office at 607-538-1825 with any questions


Court Hours

By appointment only.

Court In session 2nd Monday each month from 4:00pm-6:00pm



Delaware County District Attorney's Office
Attn: David A. Rikard,  Senior Special Assistant District Attorney
One Courthouse Square, Suite 5
Delhi, NY 13753
(607) 832-5299

Delaware County Public Defender's Office
Attn: David S. Smith
97 Main Street, Suite #1
Delhi, NY 13753
(607) 832-5188

Delaware County Probation
280 Phoebe Lane,  #2
Delhi, NY 13753
(607) 832-5500

New York State Department of Motor Vehicles
(800) CALL-DMV
(518) 474-0774



Where is the court?

The court is located in the Town of Stamford office, 101 Maple Ave, Hobart, NY 13788. For further information, visit our Contact page.

How do I answer my traffic ticket?

You may have received a hand-written ticket or a computer-generated ticket.  It is the obligation of the receiving motorist to respond to the ticket.  If the charges are NOT MISDEMEANORS you can either appear on the date listed on the bottom of the ticket or you may complete section A or B on the ticket to indicate your plea of either guilty or not guilty. You then mail the entire ticket to the court:

Stamford Town Court
PO Box M
Hobart, NY  13788

If you fail to respond your license may be suspended.

Upon a plea of guilty, a fine and New York State mandated surcharge may be assessed and you will be notified by mail of the amount due and the instructions on how to make payment. Upon a plea of not guilty, you will be sent further information on how to proceed.  If you have been charged with a misdemeanor, you must appear in person on the date and time listed on the ticket.

Why isn't the fine and NYS Surcharge listed on my ticket?

Once a plea of guilty has been entered, the judge may assess a fine and a NYS Surcharge, and a Notice of Fine will be mailed to you with the amount due and the instructions for payment.


What is a supporting deposition?

A supporting deposition is a more detailed account of the ticket you were issued.  If you received an electronically-generated ticket, you may have been handed a supporting deposition at the same time you were handed your ticket from the officer.

How many points are assessed?

For the most current information, go to

How long does it take to hear back from the court after I've mailed in my ticket?

It takes approximately 1-2 weeks from the return date listed on your ticket before you can expect to get a response.

What is the driver assessment fee?

That notice came from NYS Department of Motor Vehicles and is separate from any fines or surcharges paid to the court. The fee is called Driver's Responsibility Act (DRA). Go to  for any questions pertaining to that fee.

How do I enter into a plea bargain regarding the ticket I received?

If you intend to request a reduction, it must be done through the District Attorney's Office and it must be done IMMDIATELY by contacting the District Attorney listed above.  Your written request must include your name, current address and telephone number and must be accompanied by:

A copy of your traffic ticket
A copy of your Driver's abstract from DMV; and
A self addressed stamped envelope

What if I have lost my ticket?

Contact the Court Office.

My license is suspended or is going to be suspended. What do I do?

If you are suspended for failure to answer a summons you will need to submit your plea of either guilty or not guilty by completing the generic mail in plea form and return by mail to the Court along with your Termination Suspension Lift Fee. Make money orders or certified bank check payable to Stamford Town Court. Personal checks are not accepted.

If you have received a Notice of Suspension from NYS DMV and are not yet suspended for failure to answer a summons, you will need to submit your plea of either guilty or not guilty by completing the generic mail in plea form and return by mail to the Court prior to your suspension effective date.

If your license is suspended and the effective date is July 5, 2009 or before, you will be required to pay a Suspension Termination Fee of $35.00 per suspension. For suspensions that went into effect on or after July 6, 2009, the Suspension Termination Fee is $70.00 per suspension.

How do I make payment?

Can I pay with a personal or business check? No.

Can I pay by leaving it in the dropbox outside of the Town Hall? Yes

Can I make partial payments? Yes.

Can I pay in-person?  Yes. During Court hours or by appointment.

All payments must be made in US currency.

If you must pay in-person the following methods of payment are accepted:

Cash, Credit Card: A fee of 2.99% will be added to your credit card payment with this option

Do I need a lawyer to appear in court with me?

Although you are not required to have an attorney, you have a right to have representation at every step of the proceeding.  It is not recommended that you proceed to trial without the aid of counsel, but you do have that right.

For more information on court proceedings in New York State, visit the New York State Unified Court System website.

How do I obtain representation by the Public Defender?

The Delaware County Public Defender's Office only represents on violations, misdemeanors and felonies. They do not represent on simple traffic infractions.  You must call their office at 607-832-5188 to make an intake appointment to see if you financially qualify for representation.  You are required to notify the court of your scheduled appointment. 

What if I've missed a court date?

Call the court. 

How do I file a small claim and how much is the filing fee?

Small claims can be filed with the Court Clerk.  The party against which you are filing must live, work, or have a place of business in the Town of Stamford.  You must have the exact mailing address.  Post office boxes are not acceptable.  The allowable maximum amount to claim is $3,000.00.  For claims up to $1,000.00, the filing fee is $10.00.  For claims over $1,000 the filing fee is $15.00.  You must call ahead to make an appointment to file the paperwork.  For more information, you may pick up the New York State Guide to Small Claims Court at the court office.

When are evictions heard and how much is the filing fee?

All information and forms can be found on

Once you have the eviction papers, call the Court for an appointment to file them.